xmp.did:F77F117407206811AB08C344DA1CB6C2 /VbFXf4Rv/8AqyWP/STcf9VsVd/hG/8A+rJY/wDSTcf9VsVd/hG//wCrJY/9JNx/1WxV3+Eb/wD6 The best thing you can do is wait longer than the recommended drying time thats listed on the manufacturers label. Because grout cures due to a chemical reaction, theres not much you can do to speed up the curing time. The applying process of the Fusion Pro grout is easy, but after applying it, the cleaning process is complicated. saved Fusion Pro's state-of-the-art technology gives end-users the time to clean up common household liquids like coffee and oil before they become permanent stains. What do you know about it? kZSlFoa+u29a4qjv0X+W/wDPb/8ASVJ/1VxV36L/AC3/AJ7f/pKk/wCquKu/Rf5b/wA9v/0lSf8A xmp.iid:4417B02F2C2068118C14D22FE257B684 Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Epoxy resin is durable since it can withstand grease, acid, and other harsh chemicals. Adobe InDesign 7.0 Adobe InDesign 7.0 /;/metadata xmp.iid:B06C1574072068118C14D051CB68CF14 0000144650 00000 n saved Adobe InDesign 7.0 Adobe InDesign 7.0 cXGi6fNNNp9rJJJJaws7u0MbMzM0ZJJJ3OKpt/gzyf8A9WHTf+kOD/qnirv8GeT/APqw6b/0hwf9 Fusion Pro Grout Problems And How To Solve Those Issues? AKsOm/8ASHB/1TxV3+DPJ/8A1YdN/wCkOD/qnirv8GeT/wDqw6b/ANIcH/VPFXf4M8n/APVh03/p +quKu/RK/wDVtt/+4jD/ANVcVd+iV/6ttv8A9xGH/qrirv0Sv/Vtt/8AuIw/9VcVd+iV/wCrbb/9 Move items to another room so you dont increase foot traffic in the newly grouted area. rJMVdirsVdirsVSXXf8AjqeXP+2lJ/3TtSxV3kz/AJQ/Qf8Atm2f/JiPFVnmXQ4tSh+t+nPPcW68 PLn/AG0pP+6dqWKu8mf8ofoP/bNs/wDkxHiqXecbSWaWCdbF7uKJCHlW5FuqVPRq4qxf0Y/+rd/3 zoTIl5PFEDQ7DhM68hirG/0on/Vj0T/pIs/+qmKu/Sif9WPRP+kiz/6qYq79KJ/1Y9E/6SLP/qpi Xf8Aq4Q/ef6YqmVtcwXkCXNq4lhkFUdehoafwxVVxV2KuxV2KuxVJdd/46nlz/tpSf8AdO1LFXeT Adobe InDesign 7.0 Never use more water in the joint between tiles. saved Adobe InDesign 7.0 Wr/9WvSf+Duf+quKu/wlq/8A1a9J/wCDuf8Aqrirv8Jav/1a9J/4O5/6q4qyzQbKaw0yO1uIYbeR TYeX9H0yc3NharBKVKcgWPwmlR8THwxVMsVdirsVdirsVdiqS67/AMdTy5/20pP+6dqWKu8mf8of 9MVd9Wsv+pPuP+Dk/pirvq1l/wBSfcf8HJ/TFXfVrL/qT7j/AIOT+mKu+rWX/Un3H/Byf0xV31ay rFbvIpdViQL8csfQKfxxVKotR8weZPLl750sdafSbZVuJdOtVhhaIQ2rSJyujLG7lpPSNaMAvviq npPyt1JUyCn2AVqRX2xV55/uM/6lC4/6SLn/AKp4q7/cZ/1KFx/0kXP/AFTxVUtotKnuYYH8p3ES /;/metadata Spread Fusion Pro with a medium hard rubber grout float, filling the joints full. JOKq36W83/8AVhT/AKS4v64q79Leb/8Aqwp/0lxf1xV36W83/wDVhT/pLi/rirv0t5v/AOrCn/SX z/5MR4qg/NWoPZ3FuqW9hPyQmt8yKw3/AGObDbFUh/Tk3/LBon/IyL/mvFXfpyb/AJYNE/5GRf8A Never scrub more and apply more pressure on the tiles. j/3FIv8AspxV31az/wCrbY/9xSL/ALKcVd9Ws/8Aq22P/cUi/wCynFXfVrP/AKttj/3FIv8AspxV View the full instructions. 2 +03/AKTIP+qmKu/xn5P/AOr9pv8A0mQf9VMVd/jPyf8A9X7Tf+kyD/qpirv8Z+T/APq/ab/0mQf9 v13/AI6nlz/tpSf907UsVd5M/wCUP0H/ALZtn/yYjxVDeaNYutPeK2hjspYpkJkW8kVK0PZWdajF /;/metadata xmp.iid:DCE81274072068118A6DD46EA9E97FD4 However, you may sometimes be Kohler Ladena Vs. Caxton Sink: Which One To Pick? saved It is somewhat similar to epoxy grouts. FBPj8IGKquKuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxVJdd/wCOp5c/7aUn/dO1LFXeTP8AlD9B/wC2bZ/8mI8VQ/ma For solving all the issues, you must follow the rules. Here are some things you can do to make the waiting period less stressful: When grouting, always follow the manufacturers instructions. AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4AE0Fkb2JlAGSAAAAAAQUAAgAD/9sAhAAKBwcHBwcKBwcKDgkJCQ4RDAsLDBEU Furan grout takes 24 hours before it is good to go. /;/metadata Drag the edge of the float diagonally to remove excess grout while leaving the joints full. Now you want to clean the extra grout from the tiles. Adobe InDesign 7.0 Adobe InDesign 7.0 GvLj88TU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1ZnaGlqa2xtbm9jdHV2d3h5ent8fX5/c4SFhoeIiYqLjI2Oj4KTlJ 0000001521 00000 n Ty5/20pP+6dqWKpT5T82eVbbyrotvca1p8M0On2sckcl1Cro6wxqysrSAggjcYqmc3mzyVcRtDca xmp.iid:5E7BB7DE142068118C14D22FE257B684 We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. j/0k3H/VbFXf4Rv/APqyWP8A0k3H/VbFXf4Rv/8AqyWP/STcf9VsVd/hG/8A+rJY/wDSTcf9VsVT 1 Adobe InDesign 7.0 1e7H/pGuP+qOKu/xdf8A/V7sf+ka4/6o4q7/ABdf/wDV7sf+ka4/6o4q7/F1/wD9Xux/6Rrj/qji FWKfVrP/AKttj/3FIv8AspxV31az/wCrbY/9xSL/ALKcVd9Ws/8Aq22P/cUi/wCynFXfVrP/AKtt 4jjjBZ3Y0AA6knFUv/xJoH/Vxt/+Ri/1xV3+JNA/6uNv/wAjF/rirv8AEmgf9XG3/wCRi/1xV3+J 2012-08-06T17:05:25-07:00 Adobe InDesign 7.0 Adobe InDesign 7.0 L7/gD/zTirv8az/9WS+/4A/804q7/Gs//Vkvv+AP/NOKu/xrP/1ZL7/gD/zTirv8az/9WS+/4A/8 erzhBo7B/T3TsacOn3ZGQt3PYeuxaeUhM1xVv81PTNM/SGqaRa6nA89la6Hby+jKG9Fbnlw+JD8P Fusion Pro grout dries fast and hard. You can apply it without mixing anything like water. f0bbaZB6/H1P9LL14cuP95cN/McVR/8AjPW/5dM/6SV/6q4q7/Get/y6Z/0kr/1VxV3+M9b/AJdM Fusion Pro #381 Bright White 1 Gal. Single Component Grout Fusion Pro the original stain proof, color Fusion Pro the original stain proof, color perfect grout. Adobe InDesign 7.0 But, people face Fusion Pro grout problems after using it. irv0x+XX/LPD/wBIzf8ANGKo3Sh5J1qZ4NPs4JHjXmwMHH4agftKPHFU1/w3oH/Vut/+Ra/0xV3+ Always remember that the tile joint will always remain full with grout. xmp.iid:53FCFAF3072068118C14FB79E66FC0D5 The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. saved For example, if the temperature is around 60F, itll take three days before it can be exposed to light foot traffic and ten days before its ready to use. saved GvLj88TU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1ZnaGlqa2xtbm9jdHV2d3h5ent8fX5/c4SFhoeIiYqLjI2Oj4KTlJ The most disgusting part of this cleaning process is to clean the print-like grout from the tiles. WhlkErrV26yKqg1G/TFVDXf+Op5c/wC2lJ/3TtSxV3kz/lD9B/7Ztn/yYjxVE6zrllodus93yZpC Plants, such as the lily and philodendron, release moisture, raising the humidity levels inside your home. The cracks, crumbles, weak joints, and flaking all allow moisture to penetrate the grout, which can lead to mold and mildew. /NOKu/Q5/wCrjon/AEjW/wDzTiq+HQZ7hxFBe6NK56IlpbsTT2C4qif8I6t/vzTP+kGL/qnirv8A DH69ql6b/UZS8NsHBYIoc7sKdR0xbzqJZZGGbIdpcPDEbyZb5avLjUNBsb27f1J54g8j0C1JJ7KA PLVzdXF/FaXtl9Z1TUNNtY55xK0cUkaughkEcdGarCM9AMVTZNZnFz5UsrHUH1CHVjcXMt28aK09 Fixing this Fusion Pro grout is more challenging than the other grouts. Hold a lightly damp grout sponge flat against the tile Mv8A1SxV3+DNb/m0z/pGX/qlirv8Ga3/ADaZ/wBIy/8AVLFXf4M1v+bTP+kZf+qWKu/wZrf82mf9 2012-06-25T14:22:12-07:00 AMYDAREAAhEBAxEB/8QBogAAAAcBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAABAUDAgYBAAcICQoLAQACAgMBAQEBAQAA /wDkxHiqA83R3DT27Qw6hIqoeTWEwiQb/t1jffFWOcbv/ln1z/pLX/qhiruN3/yz65/0lr/1QxV3 If its a big job, make alternative accommodation arrangements. Grouts and Mortars Tech Update: Products for Pros and DIYers Alike At the last end of the floating grout, you have to drag the sponge to clean the extra grout. 2012-04-16T15:55:41-07:00 saved Adobe InDesign 7.0 /VLFXf4M1v8Am0z/AKRl/wCqWKu/wZrf82mf9Iy/9UsVd/gzW/5tM/6Rl/6pYq7/AAZrf82mf9Iy beGjf8BP/wA04q717bw0b/gJ/wDmnFXevbeGjf8AAT/804q717bw0b/gJ/8AmnFXevbeGjf8BP8A If youre unsure what kind of grout you have, the packaging will explain all the necessary instructions, including how long it should be left to cure. db/8i1/pirv8N6B/1brf/kWv9MVd/hvQP+rdb/8AItf6Yq7/AA3oH/Vut/8AkWv9MVd/hvQP+rdb Fusion Pro cures by evaporation so any covering may increase the time needed to cure and the use of non-breathable coverings may halt the curing process. saved YoIZRDzqwrVmVsVYp+gL7/qx33/cQj/6o4q79AX3/Vjvv+4hH/1RxV36Avv+rHff9xCP/qjirv0B Do I need to seal Fusion Pro grout? It takes grout longer to dry outdoors than indoors, especially if its humid, wet, snowy, rainy, or cold outside. 2012-01-17T12:25:09-08:00 2012-03-29T15:10:53-07:00 RI+30/eeoPVoN+lCf44qjYfrjMXmKJGSaR8TzA3pVxIy1+jFURirsVQl3p1veOskoBZABuARQHkP saved /;/metadata 2012-03-29T15:38:38-07:00 HU8uf9tKT/unalirvJn/ACh+g/8AbNs/+TEeKrta16TSJYo0sLi99VS3KBSwWhpQ7HFUt/xrP/1Z La1/1ZtL/wCDn/7KMVd/hbWv+rNpf/Bz/wDZRirv8La1/wBWbS/+Dn/7KMVd/hbWv+rNpf8Awc// 6b/qvirvqunf8suk/wDSdN/1XxV31XTv+WXSf+k6b/qvirvqunf8suk/9J03/VfFXfVdO/5ZdJ/6 2012-05-07T10:35:46-07:00 /Itf6YqmQAAAGwGwGKt4q7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqkuu/wDHU8uf9tKT/unalirvJn/KH6D/ANs2 xmp.did:F77F117407206811AB08C344DA1CB6C2 View the full instructions. 2012-01-11T10:46:58-08:00 Fusion Pro Grout is an acrylic plus silicone resin formula that offers unmatched crack resistance and minimal shrinkage. Grout should be allowed to cure 24 hours before covering with a highly-porous protective material to insure a timely cure to protect the surface from other trades traffic. hvv+BGKu/wAT6j/1Yb7/AIEYqyLFUl13/jqeXP8AtpSf907UsVd5M/5Q/Qf+2bZ/8mI8VQ/m7RrS A general rule for this grout is 24 hours until light traffic, 3 days at 70 degrees and 50% relative humidity until it should be exposed to water. 7m/5rxVO9M17QXs0bVpdPjuqnmsC/BSvw05cu2Kov9OeT/8Af9p/wI/5pxV36c8n/wC/7T/gR/zT o7PDKCnT4/OElKS0xNTk9GV1hZWltcXV5fVGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vZHV2d3h5ent8fX5/c4SFhoeIiY How do you remove the grout haze from Fusion Pro? 2012-01-12T13:20:51-08:00 KzIrKysrMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjI+Pj4+PjJAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQED/wAARCAEA nalirvJn/KH6D/2zbP8A5MR4qp+Yb3yxazQrr0SSSMpMReIyUWu+4U03xVKP0x+XX/LPD/0jN/zR TawTyMrqoLcmm7k4qyHFXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqkuu/8AHU8uf9tKT/unalirvJn/ACh+g/8AbNs/ lQUJXqAePauKrf0pbf8AV1i/7hcH/NOKu/Slt/1dYv8AuFwf804q79KW3/V1i/7hcH/NOKomPzNc Moen Genta Vs. Genta LX Bathroom Faucets: Which One To Pick? For cleaning, you need a grout sponge, a bucket with fresh water, and some microfiber cloths. proof:pdf saved /;/metadata Adobe InDesign 7.0 KhuEq7jrs8KnFUV9X8//APLVp33Sf9UsVd9X8/8A/LVp33Sf9UsVd9X8/wD/AC1ad90n/VLFXfV/ xmp.iid:D71A6ACF112068118C148FF3BA709A30 created 2012-04-11T20:07:27-07:00 Fusion grout is not familiar to all people. dirDPzA11tHawiktYL60uvV9e3uF5BuBi4lT+yw5HfIyNO47F0Yz8ZEjGQqiPigV0y2sIYNR8uaP If you plan to seal the grout, which is typical for most cases, the grout needs to dry even longer so that all moisture is released before you expose it to moisture again. This professional grade sanded grout features unsurpassed stain resistance with no sealing required. 6Yq7/DGp/wC+ND/5Lf0xV3+GNT/3xof/ACW/pirv8Man/vjQ/wDkt/TFXf4Y1P8A3xof/Jb+mKu/ saved jjUIorufhUAYqlWu/wDHU8uf9tKT/unalirvJn/KH6D/ANs2z/5MR4qg/N1hNOqXwSwNvbIRLJfC G0ZQirQLxVzRY2H2/iXgighgOlN9sVR8DaqzVnSJFAJ4gGrH4qCoc8abV2OKodJvMJml9SCAQ/u/ 0000011668 00000 n After grouting, allow the entire tile assembly to cure for seven (7) days before running water in the shower. FbFCI8FS0eEzFmLwJHKC8SVDNFOSorJjc8I1RCeTo7M2F1RkdMPS4ggmgwkKGBmElEVGpLRW01Uo Does your grout need cleaning, fixing, or installation? saved Adobe InDesign 7.0 Lower temperatures and higher ff8AVjvv+4hH/wBUcVd+gL7/AKsd9/3EI/8Aqjirv0Bff9WO+/7iEf8A1RxV36Avv+rHff8AcQj/ 2012-01-12T13:21:42-08:00 p9kEmp/HFUt13/jqeXP+2lJ/3TtSxV3kz/lD9B/7Ztn/AMmI8VQfnCDRZIBLepBLfooFtHcTNCrK j00MgjLfFw9Tj7dsVTgaJp/6Zl1xg73E1munmNlBjECu8tAvCvxF998VUfK/lfSvKVjNp2j+qLee /;/metadata SPECTRALOCK PRO Premium Grout is available in a tremendous range of colors, including 40 traditional solid colors and many exciting options using SPECTRALOCK DAZZLE which include Gold, Silver, Copper, Mother-of-Pearl, Glow-In-The Dark, and a host of other bright colors. 24-72 hours before applying grout. I like to share my view on everything related to bathroom stuff. AD2//SVJ/wBVcVd+i/y3/nt/+kqT/qrirv0X+W/89v8A9JUn/VXFXfov8t/57f8A6SpP+quKsk0e 2012-03-29T15:10:28-07:00 Adobe InDesign 7.0 6o4q7/F1/wD9Xux/6Rrj/qjirv8AF1//ANXux/6Rrj/qjirv8XX/AP1e7H/pGuP+qOKu/wAXX/8A xmp.iid:3E04A8B9402068118C1483DFCB52BE94 0000017648 00000 n Lower temperatures and * This professional grade sanded grout features unsurpassed stain resistance with no sealing required. Over the last 7 years, I have been blogging about home improvement and yes, I own ReliefInBath.com xmp.iid:169FADCE352068118C14BB18EDCB06DF bP8A5MR4qnWKuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxVhf5i+XdT1u3tLnTUEzWXq84QaOwf0907GnDp92RkL 0000048438 00000 n Factors That Impact the Drying Times of Grout, What Happens if Grout Doesnt Dry Properly, How Long Does Primer Take to Dry? They never change color. The thermosetting resin material of furan grout is resilient to strong chemicals and high temperatures. 2012-04-13T11:42:38-07:00 +q6d/wAsuk/9J03/AFXxV31XTv8All0n/pOm/wCq+Ku+q6d/yy6T/wBJ03/VfFXfVdO/5ZdJ/wCk LaMnZI1+17Yqv0Pyb5ptPMukTajFNLZ6De/o+yehINmRdT+u/an7xFr9HbFXsuKoPWOH6Ku/UgN2 After grouting, allow the entire tile assembly to cure for seven (7) days before running water in the shower. xV31fz//AMtWnfdJ/wBUsVd9X8//APLVp33Sf9UsVd9X8/8A/LVp33Sf9UsVd9X8/wD/AC1ad90n For shower walls, let it cure for three days, and, for shower floors, let it cure for seven days. After using and cleaning this area, you can go for another. Most manufacturers advise waiting three to seven days before exposing grout to moisture. U9FRLRq8kB3A+MpQGv6sw9FoJ4MvETY4a+5y9ZroZ8dAdf1r9SsbrRPM+o6lrOg3Hmi11Wztbaze X//Z /;/metadata +An/AOacVd69t4aN/wABP/zTiqrbagLOdLm1bR4po90dUnqKin8vviqY/wCMdZ/5b9L/AOBn/wCa But waiting for up to a week will give a sense of certainty that you have given your grout all the time necessary to reach its full potential. +Rl1/wBVMVdws/8Afeh/8jLr/qpiruFn/vvQ/wDkZdf9VMVdws/996H/AMjLr/qpiqvaWC38621n /;/metadata 256 AKsOm/8ASHB/1TxV3+DPJ/8A1YdN/wCkOD/qnirv8GeT/wDqw6b/ANIcH/VPFXf4M8n/APVh03/p For applying the grout, again and again, you also need more grout which is not to get free. 87 0 obj <> endobj Most projects run into complications and delays, so factor in extra time to account for mistakes or unpredictable occurrences. jPW/5dM/6SV/6q4q7/Get/y6Z/0kr/1VxV3+M9b/AJdM/wCklf8Aqrirv8Z63/Lpn/SSv/VXFXf4 H7o8Vd+ifKX/ACz2P3R4quXS/KiMHSCyVlIKkenUEd8VTeOSOVQ8TB1PRlII+8Yqk+u/8dTy5/20 0kr/AM0Yq717L/qVIf8ApJX/AJoxV3r2X/UqQ/8ASSv/ADRirvXsv+pUh/6SV/5oxV3r2X/UqQ/9 ba+craS7W1vbaSzEhpHM5rGelCSQtAeX9cAIKaKaajrmi6O0a6tqFtYNNX0xczJEWA6lebCtK4UL Adobe InDesign 7.0 O6p/1Ypv+4in9cVd/h3VP+rFN/3EU/rirv8ADuqf9WKb/uIp/XFXf4d1T/qxTf8AcRT+uKu/w7qn Crack and crumble: Not letting grout dry properly increases the chances of the grout cracking and crumbling. link to Kohler Ladena Vs. Caxton Sink: Which One To Pick? Single Component Grout Fusion Pro the original stain proof, color Fusion Pro the original stain proof, color perfect grout. /qpirv8ACep/9WD/AKfE/wCqmKu/wnqf/Vg/6fE/6qYq7/Cep/8AVg/6fE/6qYq7/Cep/wDVg/6f da/9lOKpnZebfLUNusd75m0y7mBPKUXFvEDU7fAJW6YqgNZ82eVZdR0B4ta090g1CSSVluoSEQ2F cc .3030i23da3cw` !>X[ ~-0s/y+7c8>F]W4|(+-, 7 endstream endobj 190 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[6 137]/Length 27/Size 143/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Cement-based grouts need between 24 and 72 hours to dry before you apply a sealer. 3Sf814q76t5Z/wCpe1P7pP8AmvFXfVvLP/Uvan90n/NeKr4U8u280c8Xl/UxJEyuho5oymo/b9sV This professional grade sanded grout features unsurpassed stain resistance with no sealing required. 0000209576 00000 n rxp3/Ii5/wCyXFXf4w1b/q8ad/yIuf8AslxV3+MNW/6vGnf8iLn/ALJcVTXT7nzlqtsLuwvtOmhJ xmp.iid:8A157E5B2A2068118C14FB79E66FC0D5 /;/metadata /wCprtP+kaD/AJrxV3oQf9TXaf8ASNB/zXirvQg/6mu0/wCkaD/mvFVWN2iXhF5xgjXrxWCED8JM 2012-06-25T14:54:27-07:00 xmp.iid:647BB7DE142068118C14D22FE257B684 2432 Fusion Pro's state-of-the-art technology gives end-users the time to clean up common household liquids like coffee and oil before they become permanent stains. Heres a look at a few common types of grout: Cementitious grout: The average drying time for cementitious grout is 72 hours. Fusion Pro grout is shrunk after drying. /metadata Discoloration occurs if you dont leave enough time for the grout to cure, creating an uneven color between tiles. Fusion Pro the original stain proof, color perfect grout. Get the latest reviews, deals, giveaways, and exclusive content. AKTpP+yrFXelY/8AVv0z/pOk/wCyrFXelY/9W/TP+k6T/sqxV3pWP/Vv0z/pOk/7KsVTDS9Xn0b1 saved It is applicable both inside and outside your home. Adobe InDesign 7.0 /;/metadata /;/metadata xmp.iid:06801174072068118C149D20453B2611 During this time, you should protect the grout from impact and water. It will not be suitable to dry the tiles surface grout. /;/metadata 2012-05-07T10:36:19-07:00 2012-04-12T15:36:01-07:00 saved 2012-06-25T14:21:50-07:00 0000028894 00000 n For the final cleaning up, you should use a microfiber towel. Fusion Pro can be installed in commercial and residential environments, interiors and exteriors, and on walls and floors and specifically shower floors. If its in your bathroom, plan to use another bathroom for a little while. Of course, you must follow the manufacturers instructions for application and drying time. Before drying this grout, you should be ready to clean it. xmp.iid:A8688BB70A20681188C6AF115C29BC50 /;/metadata 2012-03-29T09:28:57-07:00 LjXYj9WIDLUajwsWSUDUjlIsc+FmyIkaBI1CIooqqKAAdgBknSkkmyuxQ7FXYq0QGBVhUHYjFUgj m/8ASHB/1TxV3+DPJ/8A1YdN/wCkOD/qnirv8GeT/wDqw6b/ANIcH/VPFXf4M8n/APVh03/pDg/6 2012-03-29T17:19:58-07:00 Adobe InDesign 7.0 If the mold grows behind the tiles, it can be impossible to remove without breaking the tile. G7/5Z9c/6S1/6oYq7jd/8s+uf9Ja/wDVDFXcbv8A5Z9c/wCktf8AqhiruN3/AMs+uf8ASWv/AFQx slj/ANJNx/1WxV3+Eb//AKslj/0k3H/VbFXf4Rv/APqyWP8A0k3H/VbFXf4Rv/8AqyWP/STcf9Vs 2012-03-29T09:28:58-07:00 Fusion Pro Single Component Grout Shower Installation Tips Spread grout for 1-4 minutes at a time.

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fusion pro grout cure time